We use Expedited, Standard services. You can select the shipping method of your choice during the checkout process.
Please note: If you cannot receive a particular carrier at your address, please contact us prior to ordering.
Yes, We are ship international.
All orders are generally processed within 2 hours of being placed and shipped within 1-3 business days (weekends not included). Custom cover orders will take 1-2 weeks to ship. Once your order has shipped, you will receive an email with a tracking number. If items become out of stock or backordered, you will receive an email with an updated timeline.
While our warehouse is processing and shipping orders out per usual, please note that our shipping carriers (FedEx, UPS, USPS) are experiencing system-wide delays and all delivery dates quoted are estimates and not guarantees.
A signature may be required. The postal carrier will ultimately determine if a drop-off location is safe based on their standards and may need someone to sign for the package. We recommend having someone present to receive the package for the safest results.
We generally keep a good supply of all items available on our website. However, from time to time we may be out of stock on certain items. We may ship the items that we do have on hand, and backorder the remainder of your order. Backordered items will ship as soon as they are available at no extra shipping cost to you.
When your order leaves our facility, a shipment confirmation and tracking number will be emailed to you. Check the tracking number for an updated shipping status. It's also possible that the items you ordered went out of stock and are backordered. We may ship the items we have on hand and ship the rest as soon as they are available at no extra shipping cost to you. If you need further assistance, please contact our Customer Care Team.