Warranty Coverage
YourPremiumCover offers a variety of warranty coverage periods, based on the product category and material collections listed below. For the duration indicated, we warrant our products to be free from material defect and product construction and performance flaws not attributed to normal use. A warranty term begins from the date of purchase and applies to the individual/company named on the Coveryourcar invoice. Should we determine a defect in the material or workmanship of the product within the warranty period, we will, at our discretion, repair, replace or provide store credit. We reserve the right to make the final determination on defects. Any alterations or modifications made to the cover will invalidate the warranty. Warranty does not cover accidental damage. We strive to provide high-quality products and services; however, we cannot accept responsibility for any damages to goods or property resulting from defective items or misuse of products.
Covermates Material
Indoor Car Cover
2 Month
Outdoor Car Cover
4 Month
Premium Car Cover
4 Month